
day 300



day 299

day 298

i give long speeches to anyone who will listen - click any of the pictures to watch

do you think i am going to be ....

a) professor

b) politician

c) preacher

d) comedian

e) traffic cop

f) child star

g) healer

h) student

i) queen

day 297

day 296

day 295

day 294

day 293

day 292

day 291


day 290

my daddy looks just like me.

day 289

sora and i had another post stroller group playdate.
we chewed on blocks.

day 288

mommy was loading dishes - so i climbed INTO the dishwasher to help.
Wonder why didn't she think this was cute?

day 287

pink, pink, pink, pink bunny. pink, pink, pink, pink bun-ny. daddy made up
the song for me.
i love my pink bunny. thank you, alycia.

day 286

i figured out where they keep the rice crispies,
so i've decided to help myself to them!

day 285

mommy was sorting the laundry - so i climbed in the basket to help.
i wonder why she wasn't excited to have my assistance?